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Article: Ep 141: Our Best Parenting Hacks Right Now

Ep 141: Our Best Parenting Hacks Right Now

Ep 141: Our Best Parenting Hacks Right Now

If you have been around for a while then you know we are constantly evolving our Parenting Philisophy (aka how we desire to guide our kids). So in this episode, we are sharing our current standing – from creating a family team culture, embracing the mess, learning to speak our kids’ language, and so much more. This is a PACKED episode! And no matter what stage of parenting you are in we hope you find inspiration from our personal experiences and that it brings a healthy conversation into your own parenting philosophies.

10 of our best hacks / current focuses in parenting

  1. Invite them in
  2. See the messes as investments
  3. Have grace for the phases, don’t fix them
  4. Boot camps 
  5. “I remember a time when I ______” 
  6. Bedtime liturgies
  7. Family team culture and mission
  8. Let them (say no less) 
  9. Do dangerous things carefully 
  10. Speak their language 

Want to watch the video version of this episode? Head to YouTube + don’t forget to subscribe: @JeremyAudreyRoloff

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